Due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions, the Be Richmond 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place via video conference on the evening of Thursday 1st October.
The meeting was chaired by new Be Richmond Chair, Ann Chapman-Daniel of Minesoft Ltd, accompanied by panelists Ellen Storrar, Be Richmond Manager; Isobel Pickles, Be Richmond Project Officer; and Louise Abbotts of The Means, Be Richmond’s BID Consultant.
The Richmond BID Board Directors were also in attendance.
The meeting was attended by representatives of 13 member businesses, who voted on resolutions to adopt the Company accounts for the year 2019-20, re-elect 5 existing Board Directors and appoint Councillor Richard Baker as a new Board Director.
Attendees listened to an overview of the BID’s work and achievements over the past 12 months and watched the ‘4 Years of Achievement’ video.
The meeting formally recognized Erick’s contribution to developing and championing the BID in its first four years and wished him well as he moves on to other projects.
At the end of formal business, there was an informal Q&A session with the panelists. Attendees were keen to hear about the Board’s vision for the coming year and what could be done to support the High Street, given the numerous retail closures as a result of the pandemic.
“We were delighted to welcome our members to this year’s AGM. It was a very different meeting to last year and we missed being able to meet face-to-face, but we were able to share information about the projects we have been working on and conduct the formal business in a smooth and efficient way.”
Ellen Amorina Storrar, Be Richmond Manager.