BID Member Benefits

We are excited to present an array of exclusive offers and discounts available to our valued BID members.

These unique offers are designed to provide you and your team with exceptional value from other BID businesses in Richmond, ensuring that everyone benefits from being part of our community.

144 On the Hill at Richmond Hill Hotel20% off all food and beveragesBeRichmondMember144
Compass Box Whisky20% of all Whisky BottlesPlease email Maya Sellah on to claim this offer
Edward James 20% off on your first visit and 15% off on all subsequent visitsTo register for a Local Business Member ship, please email and quote Corporate 2162
The Gate Restaurant at The Harbour Hotel20% off all food & beveragesBeRichmondTheGate
Angel & Crown 20% off food, 3 Tapas for £13.50 Tuesday- Fridays BeRichmondMemberAngel&Crown
Be at One 2 cocktails for £12 BeRichmondMemberBeAtOne
Brindisa25% off food Monday-Friday 12-6pmBeRichmondMemberBrindisa
Cinnamon Bazaar 20% off food and beveragesBeRichmondmemberCinnamonBazaar
Gaucho25% of food upto 25 guestsBeRichmondMemberGaucho
L'Occitane10% off purchasesBeRichmondMemberL'Occitane 
LEON15% off when you register at richmond@leon.coTo claim, email
NCP Car Park24 hour parking for £12.95 - individual activation codes are required. Please email RICHMONDBID24
Ollie Quinn20% off purchasesBeRichmondMemberOllieQuinn
Rincon Tapas Order two tapas and two large glass of wine or sangria and get rest of bottle/jug free BeRichmondMemberRincon
Sheen SalonOffer 20% off any cut or styling service Tuesday – Saturday (subject to availability) BeRichmondMemberSheenSalon
The Selwyn Hotel10% bar and food discount BeRichmondMemberSelwyn
50 Hill Rise20% off treatments, massages & studio classesBID20
Edward James20% off on your first visit and 15% off on all subsequent visitsQuote ‘Corporate 2162’ along with your company
name when securing your appointment
Optical Shop

Up to 50% off everything storewide 

Free hearing screening

 Free eye test with oct scan included if you purchase prescription glasses the same day | (offers cannot be used inconjuction with other offers or discounts)


Thank you to all of the businesses who have participated so far.

We are committed to continually enhancing these member benefits, so if you would like to be part of this scheme and share any offers for the Richmond workers community, please contact